Snowy walk

December 2022, Lanlivery, Cornwall

I track rabbits on the way to Helman Tor as they criss cross the path with dainty steps. The crunch and squeak of sweet clean snow, just a dusting really but the nostalgic delight of snow persists. A runner comes the other way, we are both the first along this trail today from our respective directions. Apart from the rabbits of course. I track his steps too, he avoids the puddles sometimes. A fox reveals his path too and as I reach the gate that looks out across the fields I turn about and retrace my steps. Another track laid. A tiny wren nips in and out of the wall finding breakfast, his step too light to leave a trace. An abandoned glove stuck atop a fence post has snow gathered in its upturned palm. Man and fox now run side by side for a spell on their way back down the hill.


My dear friend


The making of an Exquisite Sewing Case.